"One of the life-changing stories Suzanne Roland might tell involves a jewelry run 38 years ago to Hong Kong for herself and friends. They got pearls, she came home with a Pentax camera.' – St. Helena Star, Feb. 3, 2011
Suzanne Roland is a documentary and fine art photographer specializing in pets and animals – be it your devoted canine companion, backyard farm animals, horses, or animals in the wild. Locally her home in the Napa Valley sets a beautiful backdrop to capture those perfect and perhaps, not so perfect moments.
With a BA from UC Berkeley in Cultural Anthropology she is continually inspired by her love of travel and interest in diverse cultures. She uses the power of the photographic image to tell the story, focusing her lens on those affecting positive change.
Most recently she went to Thailand to document the Plight of the Asian Elephant. This included the Friends of the Asian Elephant Hospital and the founder Soraida Salwala -- it is there she met four elephant landmine victims. Two of the landmine survivors have been fitted with elephant-size prosthesis.
This is an on-going project with the most recent visit the fall of 2014.